Mental Health First Aid Courses

Develop crucial skills for improving mental health with our online mental health first aid & training courses.

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21 Courses

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The aim of mental health first aid is to equip individuals with skills to offer support to someone who is experiencing poor mental health or a mental health crisis. Build skills to identify when someone is struggling with their mental health and provide a safe, judgement-free environment with open communication.

By developing these skills, you’ll learn how to offer the right information and support they need to take the next steps in addressing their issues.

It’s important to note that mental health first aid training is not equivalent to being a qualified mental health professional, and those experiencing mental health issues should still seek help from a certified professional.

There are a variety of mental health training courses covering different aspects of mental health first aid.The type of course you take may depend on the audience you’re most likely to engage with, such as children and young people or adults in the workplace.

Mental health first aid courses typically involve:

  • Education about common mental health issues
  • Tips on how to identify when people may be struggling with these problems
  • Skills and tools that you can use to support people in these situations
  • Advice on how to support them to get the help they need

No matter who you are, mental health first aid training can equip you with the skills needed to support those around you in need of help. However, these skills are especially important if you frequently work with young people e.g teachers, youth workers, and social workers.

Learn mental health intervention tactics

Mental health first aid courses can provide you with the skills to identify when someone requires mental health support, along with teaching you mental health intervention tools needed to support them. We offer a variety of accessible online mental health first aid training classes that will help you understand common mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. These skills can be applied to many different workplace environments, including offices, schools, and healthcare settings.

Support young people with mental health first aid

Mental health first aid courses are extremely valuable for those working in schools or other roles around young people. As well as providing general training about mental health and types of mental health conditions, you can explore youth mental health courses, designed specifically for teachers and those who work closely with children and youth. Educators can start to promote positive mental health habits by learning how to integrate mental health holistically into the curriculum. Those who work with students that have been exposed to trauma can also gain a deeper understanding of psychological first aid for mental health crisis situations by learning how to support young people using trauma-informed practice. If you’re looking to pursue a higher education degree to build a career in education or youth services, why not explore an online Masters in child and adolescent mental wellbeing?

Become a mental health first-aider at work

Mental health first aid training is a highly valuable skill to have within any workforce, providing a way to support colleagues and team members with education and awareness of mental health. Employees across all industries can benefit from courses that provide an overview of common mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety. Learn how to create a workplace environment that promotes open communication and positive mental health with courses specifically crafted for improving productivity in the workplace.

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